Sunday, May 06, 2007


Last week we became the proud caretakers of an allotment in North Bristol, after a false start of digging the incorrect plot for 3 hours, yesterday we got things well underway - planting our first veg - some potatoes!

Yesterday was spent digging more ground over - and i have the blisters to show for it - but there was something very satisfying about the process, the blood, sweat and tears - a bit of hard graft, being at one with the earth, planting to bring new life, camaraderie with fellow allotment owners was evident with everyone being extremely friendly. I could go on with the trite phrases but somehow it was actually like that

So here's to all the fresh veg the Farmdation crew will be enjoying and a few moments of peace in the shed - yes our plot even has its own shed!

PS this picture is not of our actual allotment - pictures of the work in progress will be appearing on various foundation members blogs in the future


Anonymous said...

great Steve - look forward to helping out sometime - hopefully the recent rain will help with the growin' ...

Ellen Loudon said...

fab pic. Mark came home happy, wet and dirty from farmdation the other day.