Friday, August 03, 2007

What would you do?

there is an elderly woman (in her 70's / 80's) in a large supermarket chain and when she gets to the medicine aisle you see her open her handbag take an item of the shelf and hide it under her purse and then walk away.

So what would you do...

a. tell a member of staff

b. approach her and say what you have just seen

c. ignore it - she's old and might not have much money

would your answer be the same if she had stolen an item of food rather than medicine?


Gayle said...

I'd not do anything apart from tell my husband .. . o that is what i did do!

Anonymous said...

Offer to pay for what she is stealing?

Ranter said...

I'd probably do nothing. If she got into trouble I might help by providing a diversion so she could escape. Medicine should be free.

Unknown said...

Peg on the windpipe, karate chop to the midrif ...

It would depend on if she looked sane and poor, if so then I'd forget it. If she looked sane and rich I'd talk to her. If she looked bonkers and rich or poor I'd talk to her because she might have just put something dangerous in her bag which might not be wise to take.